By hosting free, town-wide youth events, we aim to encourage young people, whether they have a Christian faith, a different faith or no faith at all, to discover more about Christianity in fun and relaxing spaces.
Have a peek at our video showing some of our events, and look further below for what’s coming up soon. We hope to see you there!
The Mix: Let’s Go Rome! Sunday 13 October, 3pm – 5.30pm
Join us at St George’s URC for a Roman themed Mix! Try not to get knocked off your podium in Gladiator Wars, have a go at relay Chariot (pedal cart) racing, learn how to make a balloon bow and arrow and hear Pritam Josephs share about the armour of God. Tell your friends and bring them along! We can’t wait to welcome you!

Bonfire Party! Sunday 10 November, 7pm – 9pm
Follow the tealight trail through the forest at Spring Meadow Farm, Berkhamsted, HP4 2SX and join us for worship, sparklers, glow sticks, toasted marshamallows, chocolate milk, fun and games. Just print out and complete the booking form below and bring it with you on the day, or get in touch with Lisa on 07952 113735 to book your place.

GET IN TOUCH… if you want to see something happening! We’d love to hear your ideas!