Chair: Damon

Damon has been chair of Youth Across Hemel since the beginning. Damon is also chairperson at Biblica, a partner at Digital works group and attends Soul Survivor Watford Church.
Secretary: Daniella

Daniella has been secretary of Youth Across Hemel since it started in 2018 and assists with the day to day running of the organisation. Daniella is also creative director of Expression Academy CIC and attends Hemel Vineyard Church.
Trustee: Lisa

Lisa has been a trustee of Youth Across Hemel since the beginning bringing her creative flair and skills running our events. Lisa is a youth worker, runs and is a member of Hemel Hempstead Community Church.
Trustee: Nikki

Nikki has been a trustee of Youth Across Hemel since it became a charity in 2018. Nikki works in social care and is our DSL. Nikki currently attends Church of the Resurrection and is a trustee of Churches Together in Hemel Hempstead.
Trustee: Andy

Andy has become a trustee of Youth Across Hemel in 2022 and attends Belmont Road Baptist Church.
Treasurer: Matthew

Matthew, our treasurer since Sept 2022, works in the finance sector and attends South Hill Church. Between September 2007 and July 2021 he was a Trustee of South Hill Centre, a local charity that worked with pre-schoolers, youth, ex-offenders, victims of violence and the long-term unemployed. His own role covered a number of areas with specific responsibilities including risk, and the pre-school.
Admin: Tirzah

Tirzah (Tee) has been working with Youth Across Hemel since November 2022. Tee has a background in youth work and assists Daniella with various projects for YAH while also managing social media for the charity. Tee also attends Hemel Vineyard Church.

We have many volunteers from the churches in Hemel Hempstead and Kings Langley helping with our events, running the school lessons and clubs.
If you’re interested in becoming part of our team, get in touch by emailing us: